F***k You Money
If you do not save and invest a portion of your salary each month, you are on the road to being a sucker for the rest of your life.
If you don’t save and invest part of your salary every month, you are on the road to being a sucker for the rest of your life. It is a painful reality that very few people want to hear but without a big financial cushion in your current account you will never have freedom, you will be tied to a salary that will be like a drug. I am not saying it, Nassim Taleb already said it and that is that people in the XXI century have three drugs, the first is heroin, the second carbohydrates and finally a monthly salary.
Without freedom, rest assured that you will give up simple things like watching your son play soccer or going to his Christmas performance at school. I don’t know about you, but it seems like a very bad choice to me. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t work or what you should do with your money, I just want you to take stock of the situation.
You need money to buy freedom and to stop being a sucker, and this can only be achieved by saving and investing.