How to Achieve Happiness by Investing
If you don't follow this advice, you will never, I repeat, never, be happy.
When Epicurus defined happiness as the supreme good, he warned his disciples that to be happy, one must work diligently.
Material achievements alone will not satisfy us for long. In fact, the blind pursuit of money, fame, and pleasure will only lead to misery.
Epicurus recommended, for example, eating and drinking in moderation, and restraining sexual appetites. In the long run, deep friendship will satisfy us more than a wild orgy. Epicurus outlined an entire ethic of do's and don'ts to guide people along the treacherous path to happiness.
He also warned his disciples that the excessive pursuit of pleasure would likely make them more miserable than happy. A couple of centuries earlier, Buddha had made an even more radical statement by teaching that the pursuit of pleasurable sensations is actually the very root of suffering.
So, how can happiness be achieved by investing?
Most people will never be happy; they always have the thought in their head: “when I have $X.XXX.XXX,XX, I will be happy”. What, you're not happy now?
Psychology is the science that guides good investors. It's not enough to just share the portfolio, and today I want to talk to you a bit more in detail about how to be happy.