The financial market is unpredictable and can be very volatile, especially during periods of economic uncertainty. However, there are measures you can take to protect your money from the risks of the market.
In this newsletter, we're going back to basics, and we're reviewing why you're probably losing money:
Diversification by assets, not by stocks:
One of the best ways to protect your money from market risks is to make sure that your portfolio is diversified. This means that you should invest in different assets, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. That way, if one of your assets suffers a loss, the others can compensate for it.
Buying without having the plan to sell:
It's important to have a well-structured investment plan and to stick to it instead of making impulsive decisions based on rumors or news. Set your long-term goals, determine the time to achieve them, and use a systematic approach to increase your chances of success.
Always have cash for what may happen: