Why am I the worst stock picker in the world?
After more than 5 years of interest in the investment world, I can say with total conviction that I am the worst stock-picker in the world at the moment, it may seem a complete exaggeration, but I can attest to it.
In this period, I have tried to learn a lot about the main investors in history where I could highlight Ben Graham, Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, Cliff Asness, Howard Marks, John Bogle or Nassim N. Taleb among others. Imagine all the investment styles that I have been able to go through, from reading letters to investors, going through quant investment, to an indexed portfolio (or the ‘All-Weather Portfolio’), all of them with a relatively bad CAGR for how well the indexes have performed. It was not until I got into reading much more about Taleb that I found the empirical sense to this investment, or rather life in general.
I have to admit that it has been his investment style based on ‘Risk Taking’ that has encouraged me to launch the idea of writing in this blog…