A friend of mine once shared a list with me containing 200 books, telling me that if I read, assimilated, and applied them, I would succeed in life. It didn't matter in which field I utilized them, but I would succeed. This list ranged from spirituality to management, obviously including finance.
I know you're dying to know the list, and today, I won't tell you. What I can tell you is that one of the finance books is: "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel.
It's a straightforward book, which may sound too obvious to many, but generally, we don't put it into practice.
Morgan Housel is a master at simplifying the investment mazes, and with a voice that feels like an old friend reflecting beside you on the terrace, he explains why he prefers index funds over individual stocks. So, grab your coffee, relax, and join me on this journey through the reasons behind his investment philosophy.
To start, let's put a surprising statistic on the table that Housel often points out: …