You Will Never Be Rich Because You Don't Understand This
Unveiling the Illusions: Understanding Money and Economic Cycles
The more I read, the more I believe that people have no idea how money works. Many people don't know the difference between money, credit, and capital, and many of those who do understand these concepts don't know the rules of the game.
I've been reading about macroeconomics for a while now, and I firmly believe that it's tremendously necessary to look at various time frames to understand how world powers operate in both long cycles (100 years) and short cycles (4-8 years).
If you can't differentiate between the two, you'll never know the rules of the game. You'll live inside a bubble, where you'll have an attachment to your money that you shouldn't have because it's just debt.
Governments and central banks play with you as they please. A clear example: when Covid hit, quantitative easing (QE) was implemented to encourage people to spend and stimulate the use of services. If you were moderately intelligent, you'd know that this leads to increased productivity and thus an in…